Data Center
Relocation Project
For Booz,
Allen & Hamilton, a Management Consulting Firm, RSSI/GlobeTech
served as the project manager for a Data Center Relocation
Project, responsible for relocating the computer
operations of this firm from one Computer Service Bureau
to another. Ensured compatibility between hardware (DASD,
telecommunication, etc.) and software environments,
including Control Software (CP and VM/CMS), Product
Software (RAMIS, SAS, COBOL, PL/1, VM Center products,
etc.) and all Application Software (both purchased and in
house developed). Also responsible for DASD planning and
physical move of over 10,000 megabytes of data. Developed
plan and implemented project according to plan with a team
of 10. Served as the focal point for all team members, as
well as the staff from both bureaus.